Share what you are listing to right now. Music, podcast etc.
I am currently listing to Pearl Jam's live show 2004-03-10 Sacramento, CA.
Trash Boat - Heaven Can Wait
Thrice - Beggars (got to get ready for the Manchester Orchestra/Thrice concert!)
Metallica 2004-03-20 Boise, ID
Since weeks (and right now) I am having earworms of Kate Bush's album "The Dreaming". Gorgeous!
(11-19-2024, 10:03 PM)GetALife Wrote: [ -> ]Since weeks (and right now) I am having earworms of Kate Bush's album "The Dreaming". Gorgeous!
Never heard of it. May check out
There are no "Christian Children"! (God Delusion UC Berkeley Lecture) | Science vs Religion By Richard Dawkins
(11-21-2024, 10:42 AM)PJAmerica Wrote: [ -> ]There are no "Christian Children"! (God Delusion UC Berkeley Lecture) | Science vs Religion By Richard Dawkins
Today I listened to "When We Are Death" by Hexvessel. I really like the album cover and some of the music I find great...only the spiritual content of the lyrics really turns me off.
The Penetration Test That Went Horribly Wrong? Darknet Diaries Ep. 95: Jon & Brian's Big Adventure | Jack Rhysider